We are a community of life-long learners focused on fostering our abilities to effectively reason, problem solve, collaborate, think critically, and communicate for success in the 21st century. We believe social and academic interactions at NGMS must reflect respect, provide for physical and emotional safety, and build and maintain a building-wide learning community with clear, consistent, high expectations. We believe all students can learn when they are actively engaged in a differentiated classroom, focused on relevant and authentic learning. We as a learning community will collaboratively engage in the TLC in order to ensure students have access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum and best instructional practices with evidence of student achievement. We are responsible for educating the whole child; all students, parents, staff, and community members are partners in the learning process.
All 8th graders in the Five Star District attended the Adams County Career Expo at Riverdale Park
Northglenn Middle School students hold a Trashion Show at their Earth Day Celebration
Amazon donated backpack and school supplies to the community thanks to the help of Five Star Staff
The Adams 12 Five Star Schools Board of Education honors October as Dyslexia Awareness Month
Family, School, Community Summit fostered collaboration on supportive environments
FutureForward Principal Renden wins award from the Adams County Workforce Development Board
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We are committed to creating a safe, inclusive learning environment and equitable learning experieces that challenge and prepare students to be capable and confident individuals, while developing respect, responsibility, and compassion with our school community.
Our Mission