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Special Education


Northglenn Middle School Student Support Services


Childrens hand prints


Northglenn Middle School is dedicated to providing a free and appropriate education for all students, in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004(IDEA Recursos en Espanol). Educational services can involve academic, speech/language, behavioral, social/emotional, hearing, occupational and/or mobility support. We provide services to students that currently have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).


What is an IEP?: Video explanation in English 

What is an IEP?: Video Explanation in Spanish 

What is an IEP?: Video Explanation in Farsi


We may assist in some situations for those students identified as needing additional support through our school wide Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). MTSS involves targeted interventions for students that do not have Individualized Education Plans.


If you have any questions regarding your child’s IEP, or other questions concerning evaluation for your child, please contact our department chair: 


Jenna Blockhus, Speech Language Pathologist

(720) 972-5115


NGMS SSS department does not manage services for our students with 504 Plans. If you have questions about a 504 Plan, please contact: 


Benito Espinoza, Assistant Principal


More on the different services offered through Student Suppot Services here.

Meet Our Teachers

1 2 3 > showing 1 - 9 of 21 constituents

Heather Carpenter

Title I Para,Special Programs

Holly Christus

Teacher-Learning Specialist

Kathy Conti

Title I Para,Special Programs

Jessica Epshteyn

Tchr-Struc Lrng Svcs-Sec

Rodney Harrison

Teacher-Learning Specialist

Amanda Hughes

Title I Para,Special Programs

Danielle Hups

Teacher-Learning Specialist

Andrew Jaegle

Teacher-Learning Specialist

Jackie Jeske

School Social Worker
1 2 3 > showing 1 - 9 of 21 constituents

MyAccount Dashboard

Teacher's digital classrooms are available in Schoology or SeeSaw. To access, visit your child's MyAccount Dashboard.  

Student myaccount dashboard logo
